
Monday, December 14, 2009

When is it going to end: bleeding the people from necessities

Do you ever get times in your life that no matter how hard you try ya just can't get excited about anything?

It's not the holidays its just life and age. Being in the great life cycle of menopause just keeps me blah, blah blah....

Between health issues and our wonderful (OIL) corporate world keeping us poor suckers broke while they enjoy the power and financial security gives me no reason to get up every day.

Does anyone see an end to our state of Michigan gouging the money from our tight fist-ed death grip on what little money we have. From fees, to laws to change smoking in bars and restaurants (which will cause a loss of jobs), to tax on diesel which is trickle down effect (Republican philosophy)to us poor suckers who can not afford anything now. What is the point to make the little people who are not paying taxes now because we have no jobs and if you do have a job, or two part time jobs like most people do if they are working to make ends meet. Why don't the law makers see they are making the economy worst with their grasping at straws to get money from what is left in our pockets.

The poor decisions our governments ( Local, state and federal) make to get more money out of the bleeding hole of emptiness that is in our empty wallets and bank accounts. Ever time they take money from us that is less to spend on what we need, forget what we would like to have.

Sucking what little life out of the business' that are struggling to stay a float.

I say along with many others send the Governor home, if she can not do the job then she needs to give the reigns to someone who can pull our state back to the black. Save what little life is left in Michigan before we become a third world state.

I have worked 40 plus years and am barely making it but I have neighbors who lost their retirements to the greedy corporations and crooks in the financial world.

Am I the only one who sees that the beginning to the worlds financial down turn began when the OIL COMPANIES raised the price of oil, diesel and gasoline to the breaking point of the financial devastation to all?

When is this down ward spiral going to stop?

I just want to have a reason to get up again.

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